ESTA authorization pending, what does this mean?

ESTA authorization pending, what does this mean

ESTA stands for Electronic System for Travel Authorization. This is an automatic system used to determine an eligible visitor who should be allowed into the US.

The ESTA application outcomes are divided into three, authorization approved, authorization pending and travel not authorized. So Esta authorization pending, what does this mean?


  1. Authorization pending
  2. ESTA authorization approved
  3. Not Authorized
  4. Conclusion


Authorization pending

Authorization pending occurs when your application screening is still being examined. Usually, processing of your application is expected to take utmost 72 hours.

ESTA authorization pending, what does this meanHowever, there are exceptions for instance when your ESTA authorization is pending. In this instance, you will be expected to wait for a few more hours than expected.

You can refresh the application page in determining your authorization status. This authorization pending might be as a result of system maintenance or server downtime.

You will be expected to wait patiently for you ESTA application to be processed. Do not worry or panic since in due time your application will be approved.

ESTA authorization approved

Applicants who receive ESTA authorization approved means that they have received the go-ahead to enter the US. Usually, it takes about 72 hours after you have submitted your application.

This means that you have met all the requirements needed to enter the US. Anyone expecting to enter the US needs to meet all the laid requirements.

These requirements are well-outlined when applying for an ESTA. Maintain absolute honesty as you key in your personal details in the application form.

Crosscheck to get rid of any mistakes you might have done.

If you do not have a visa, then you will be required to apply for an ESTA. As you apply, ensure you follow all the laid instructions. B

y doing so your ESTA application will be applied in the least time possible. Just under a few circumstances will your ESTA authorization become pending.

When it becomes pending, you will be expected to wait for some additional hours than the normal 72 hours.

Not Authorized

Your ESTA application might not be authorized. This means you are not eligible to travel into the US. There are a number of reasons that will bring forth these devastating results.

Unfortunately, the reasons behind your ESTA application not being authorized are never made known to applicants.

ESTA authorization pending, what does this meanThe most obvious reason that might lead to such an outcome is mistakes incurred while entering your personal information. It is important, to be honest, and accurate while filling in your details.

Doing so will put you at a pole position of entering the United States.

Once your application has been labeled not authorized, you can apply again for your ESTA. You can apply as many times as possible to increase your chances of earning an authorization to travel to the US.

However, one is recommended to apply after every 24 hours after their initial application had been rejected. Ensure you correct any mistakes you had made earlier.

ESTA authorization pending, what does this meanConclusion

ESTA application needs to be undertaken with a lot of discretion and care. It helps in preventing any instances of your application being labeled pending.

In such a condition you will be expected to wait further which will obviously consume a lot of time.

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